Today Is Hump Day, So This Blog Celebrates YOU!

That’s right, you!  We think you are great!  You are extra special!  You make a difference!

Okay, maybe we only believe this because we visited The Good Cheer Company.  And you’re right: our snide, smarty pants, irony-loving attitude usually makes us skeptical of this sort of vendor.  But after following that link and clicking on the “Listen Now” button for Track #7–“It’s Your Turn”–let’s just say our attitude’s been a highly positive frequency.  So positive in fact, that we’re now referring to ourselves in the first person plural!  Yeah!

Put This One On Heavy Rotation
Put This One On Heavy Rotation

The simple truth is that many pressures in our day–work, relationships, the New York Times crossword puzzle when it overdoes the Hebrew and French language clues–can really bring us down to Frowntown.  But The Good Cheer Company stands staunchly opposed to such stinking thinking: they are solely dedicated to the care and cheering of YOU!  That’s right, YOU!

Oh sure, some of smug bugs are probably snickering up your sleeve or rolling your eyes but here’s a question for you Ace; have your thoughts or products been featured on The Ellen DeGeneres Show?  Twice?!?  I don’t think so…

Stuart Smalley may have (eventually) moved on to a seat on the US Senate floor, but someone out there still recognizes that you are good enough, you are smart enough, and doggonit, people like you!  And that someone is The Good Cheer Company, particularly if you have $16.95 for their CD or $12.95 for a downloadable MP3, payable with PayPal, Visa or Mastercard.

As Ellen herself says “It’s basically an entire CD with a man’s voice giving you a pep talk with applause.”  Doesn’t that sound nice for a midweek musing?

Of course it does.  And you’re welcome.

By Dennis Ryan, CCO, Element 79

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